Liberty Lipstick N Lead podcast

EP1: Don't be a B**** - with special guest Ursula Williams

Ursula Anne Season 1 Episode 1

Hey, hey, hey, everybody. Welcome to Liberty Lipstick and Lead, your go to podcast for all things freedom, firearms, and fabulosity. I am your host, Ursula Ann, and I'm thrilled to have you tuning in today for the very first episode with my special guest, Ursula Williams. Today, we're here to dish out the real talk.

We'll be chatting about some things they don't always cover in those fancy gun magazines. But before we dive into the fun, don't forget to follow hit that like button and subscribe to the channel. Tap that bell so you always get notified of future episodes. Trust me, you don't want to miss what's coming.

Whether you're a seasoned shooter or just dipping your toes into the firearms world, this podcast is going to be your go to gal pal. I want to be here to help you navigate, learn, and maybe even laugh a little bit along the way. So kick back, relax, and let's have some fun, because let's be real, feeling safe, looking fabulous, and being proficient AF, that's the ultimate goal, am I right?

Thank you so much, first of all, for being here. I'm really excited. This is my very first time [00:01:00] shooting a podcast, my first podcast episode with anyone. My first time beating you, and I really like you, so I'm super stoked. Alright. Well, I'm all things curious, so how did you, how did you get into shooting?

Like, you are the You were actually the first black female shooter that I found on Instagram. So how did, how did that happen? Oh, so, uh, so I've been in law enforcement for a long time. I'm rolling up on 19 years. However, my, my job did not teach me how to shoot. I'm just going to throw that out there. Cause everybody's like, Oh, you know, you're a cop or, you know, you work wherever, but you know, I'm like, nah, they do not teach you how to shoot.

They basically teach you how to pass a qualification. So I get a lot of people sending me a lot of like what we call OIS is acronym for officer involved shootings and they're like, Hey, what do you think? I'm like, I wasn't there. So, but I do a money more than quarterback, but I kind of, I don't know all the facts, but, [00:02:00] but, but pretty much about, I would say 2010, I was one day, I was just like, you know, I need to become a little bit more proficient on my duty gun.

Cause it was literally the only gun that I had. Yeah. And so I just started doing ladies night at the range. And then that happened a couple of years later, a guy was dating. It was like, Hey, let's, let's go to this local carbine match. And I'm like, all right, what? I don't know what to expect, you know? So it was like a USPSA match.

It was like more pistol match, but with ARs. And at that time, you know, just blah, blah, blah, blah. I built my first AR. And I was like, cool, let's go. So we went, watched and I'm like, yo, do y'all have this for pistol? You know, at this range and they're like, yeah, Thursday nights. I'm like, okay, cool. So like the following Thursday night, I showed up in my duty gear with my duty pistol and this little steel match and then just fell through this rabbit hole.

So [00:03:00] 2014, I started doing like local Glock matches at another indoor range. So me being like one of two chicks there, it was just basically, I was getting like a little high on the board, whatever. So, from that, I was still shooting at that other range, because like, this is Arizona. So, like, there's literally a match every day of the week except for Mondays.

Like, you can literally shoot at any range. That's like, there's competition going. So, yeah. I thought it was pretty cool. So I went back to Under Match and one of the guys that match who was actually running it, and at the time I had no concept of what a pro shooter was like. I had no idea. I was like, I didn't even know it was a thing, but he was like, Hey, you need to do Three Gun.

And I'm like, Ooh. So I'm like, you being a poor government employee, the first came on my mouth was, I was like, look, I don't need to do anything but stay black and die, so anything, you know, so he's, he's like, no, no, no. You'll be good at it. I'm like. Well, I am poor. I barely got one gun. I gotta get two more for guns, one [00:04:00] more shotgun.

So he's like, he's like, you'll be okay. He's like, I promise you, you'll be okay. So I humming hot for a couple of months. And then I was like, yo, this dude barely knows me barely knows my last name that sees something in me. Maybe I should kind of venture down that rabbit hole. And I reached out to him after finding a match in New Mexico.

Like it was an all women's match, there's a girl and a gun, it's a three gun university and the way it is, it's actually, it's a match, it's a full blown match, but just at a slower pace. So, I called him up, I was like, hey look, I wanna shoot this match in New Mexico. And he's all like, why New Mexico? And I'm like, I don't know anybody in New Mexico, so if I mess up, we're fucked.

I'm out. Nobody knows I'm a singer. It is all good. You know, there's no evidence. For sure. It's like, I'll just, I'll do it. So he actually loaned me his Benelli M2. Cool. Super fancy shotgun already tricked out ready for three guns. I had my AR that bill, which was like a, a [00:05:00] two setup. Definitely not the best for competition, but it was all I had.

And I had my duty guy next time, which was a Glock 22. So I'm shooting 40 cal. Okay. So Drove up to New Mexico, shot this match. I end up taking second in my division. Very first time. And like, I was hooked. I was, so, from that range all the way home, that was like a nine hour drive. Actually, kind of more like ten because I'm like a touristy.

Like, I always stop a little where I'm from. I was like, Oh, let me just see it. You know, what I'm buying. You know, whatever. So, no, damn well, I'm not going to wear them. But I was on the phone with him the whole time and I was also on the internet, like just on my, on my phone, just looking up the next competition, like where else can I go?

That's awesome. I was completely hooked. And I still have that trophy. I actually have all my trophies, but that particular trophy is my favorite because I was like, I got out of my comfort zone. I did something and this is good. This is good. So. Okay. That's awesome. And [00:06:00] like, wow. I mean, you covered like several things.

I was already going to ask you, like, how'd you get in? Dude, that's, that's amazing. And like, for me, it's like seriously inspiring. I've always wanted to do some kind of cool competition with it, but I was like, Oh no, that's not really like, black people don't do that. But apparently, apparently we do. We weren't exposed to it.

So I grew up in the ghetto Detroit. So like the only people had guns while I was growing up were literally gangbangers and cops. That was it. So the culture is off. And then when I moved to Arizona. You know, people, you know, I mean, I obviously got friends of all different backgrounds. They're like, Oh, I killed my first deer at six.

I'm like, man, holy crap. Like, I had no idea that was even a thing, you know? So even like a lot of outdoor stuff outside of the shooting, like camping, hiking, all this stuff was, you know, I finally got exposed to it because I was just stuff that white people did. So, yeah. So, hey, we're [00:07:00] just being honest here.

I was like, Hey, it's your first podcast. Like, let me just go ahead and air everything out there. Air everything out. Yeah. We're nothing. No holds barred. Here. And I like actually started to like enthrall this whole full blown American idea. Like I can do all this stuff. Yes. My culture, you know, growing up, a lot of this stuff, it was so divided.

Like it, plus the exposure there. The only time I seen like, You know, snowboarding was like X games, maybe, or the Olympics on TV. Yeah. You know, and a very small snippet too, just like itty bitty a little bit. Yeah. But I can tell you during the summer Olympics who all playing basketball, you know, stuff like that.

So that's the thing I was like, and I'm looking back on, I was like, Man, this is pretty much the programming and government's up to no good, but that's a whole another. I was going to say you come back for another episode on that one. Let me tell you. If you certainly want to do like an apathetic [00:08:00] government conspiracy tentpole hat, like let's go episode.

I'm totally down for it. Yep. You're coming. Don't worry. You coming back. I already know. I was like, just this little bit is just that. Um, okay. So, so three gun. That's awesome. I mean, Wow, so you shot you shoot pistol shotgun and what's the other one is do you had your AR rifle? Okay, so tell me a little bit about what the differences are there and how you would like maybe train differently for something like that I'm super curious.

So basically you're learning most people start off everybody normally has a pistol so Everybody gets pretty professional pistol then like the progression happens. Then you get an AR So you start learning AR and stuff like that. So, and then shotgun is like, honestly, probably one of the hardest things to learn only because of like, it is totally different from the shotgun from if you're doing like trap and skeet, where you can [00:09:00] only have two, you know, like, this is like a full, like full shotgun where depending on your division, you can shoot what we call a tube, two magazines, tube guns.

So now, now I'm looking at how to load fast. Yeah. Uh, now I'm starting to play with my chokes and things like that. Different patterns, different ammo, different capacities too. So like, and that's just another modification. So like in the three gun division that I compete in, my house phone is right here. Oh, you have a house phone.

I don't know if you can see his work there. Like my buddy live on Instagram. He's like, you got a house phone, landline. He's like, are you about the phone into the matrix? Like, why do you have one? You never know when you're gonna need a landline. So weird, but you never know when my cell phones may go down.

I still got the landline, you know, something like that. All right. Just have it. But so shotgun is a little bit different to learn because it [00:10:00] requires a little different manipulation that a lot of people aren't used to. So that takes some time. However, because of that fact, shotgun makes or break a three gunner.

So like, you can be strong at pistol, but if you're not strong in other two, you know, you're not going to be a competitive, more competitive against other competitors. But shotgun, like, I think because of so much work I've put behind it, I'm like, I love this thing. Like it's not. You know, a lot of people think, Oh, you just point and shoot.

No, they're actually aiming on shotgun. And so because it was that, like that challenge behind it, I was like, I absolutely fell in love with shotguns. So shotgun is probably one of my favorite. I don't, I don't do well with the, I say the higher gauges, the bigger gauges, right? Like a 12 gauge is kind of hard for me, but I can, you know, kick it with my four 10.

Like it's nothing obviously, you know, a little bit less kick there. But yeah, I can, I can only imagine. And then I find them a little bit heavy [00:11:00] for me too, which is weird. Cause I'm, I'm kind of a big girl, but it takes some arm strength, which, you know, training was another thing that I was going to ask you about is how did you keep up with that?

A lot of people overthink shotgun. So they think, Oh, it's just arm strength. Like, no, it's actually more core booty legs. So like, and everyone's like, Oh no, you hold it. Like. Yeah. But guess what else your arms are attached to? The rest of your body, the rest of your body. So let's work more with your body instead of against it.

So like, if I know I'm going like what we call hard and fast on, on a shotgun, I actually widened my stance and I actually like sink down a little bit. So Laura, my center, my center of gravity and I get behind the gun. Like it is actually shoulder properly in my face. It's on it. When I say face on that cheek and properly, and then you're holding on to it.

So is. Then I run a 12 gauge, that is the caliber of 3 gun, and it's fine. And also, the [00:12:00] shotgun I run So my buddy who loaned me his M2. So since I had learned on that, I was working at a, basically I have more jobs in Jamaica. So I had, so I had a little side job at a gun store and like, we got, like, we got Benelli's 40 percent off.

I was like, Oh my God, we have to do this. So I was like, I need to do this. So his, his shotgun, he had a woodland Camel one, like straight from the factory. And so I want this exact same shotgun. So I called up Benelli, you know, once I submitted my, my order. And I was like, Hey, how much is it for Woodland Camel?

They're like, Oh, that's a hundred bucks extra. I'm like, I don't need woodland. I don't need that. I'm still poor. I'll take black. It's okay. Oh my God. I ran that shotgun. I want a few people to actually like shot out the receiver of a Benelli M2. So I actually had to replace my receiver. Wow. Two years ago.

Yeah. Two years ago, replace it with a Roth performance, that particular company, they [00:13:00] specialize in shotguns. Like that's all they do. And they came up with receivers. So it was a one for one match. So they basically had to take my barrel, my two, my internals, my stock and put it on that receiver and is awesome.

And the shoes, they're actually one of the lightest tube shotguns on the market. So definitely want to run. And you actually, a lot of people have seen like John wick. So John was actually running the M four. Yeah. You know, and then like, well, John Wick, come on, I love John Wick. Started a little John Wick gun collection.

Cause I was like, I want to have all the guns that John Wick had. So, but he's actually running an M4, which is a tactical version of the M2. So it's inertia driven. It's a lot lighter. It recoils very nice. Like that is a really good gun to run. And when a lot of people come off like, Hey, you know, I really like 12 gauge.

I'm like, let me guess your very first 12 gauge shotgun was like, Probably an over under, something that's, you know, 26 inch barrel, something that's like just unholy freaking heavy. I was going to say ungodly, [00:14:00] crazy heavy. Like what in the world you can barely pick it up. Yeah. From, you know, 18, 20. So like a lot of people's first stocking experience was not the greatest, and then on top of that, the education behind it, because they got told something dumb, like, Oh, you just point and shoot it.

Yeah, not going to not have a good time with it. So a lot of women get kind of turned off on guns. Because of that, it's usually I call it the drunk uncle syndrome, where, you know, they're out camping one day drunk. I was like, Hey, I got this 44 magnum revolver. Let's shoot it at this tree. It actually calls crazy and now they're afraid of guns.

So it's, it's a struggle whenever I have newer, newer, newer students that can't talk right now. Peace. that I have to break that mental obstacle. But, uh, shotgun is actually super easy to shoot once you get down to fundamentals of it. I love it. Yeah, definitely. I feel like that is almost like a stigma around [00:15:00] that.

Excuse me. What do you, how would you break someone with that? Like I started out with, I believe, uh, 45 and I was like, that might be a little too much for me in the beginning. I went down to a nine. I went down to a 22 and I was like, Well, before I went to the 22, I was, I would flinch whenever my arrow go off.

But it's a two, two, three. I was like, I'm, I'm getting a good shot off. I was like, but I still have this little flinch every time. And so my husband was actually like, why don't you try 22 real quick and just feel it. And it was like, plink. I was like shooting a BB gun. I was like, Oh, that's great. And that kind of made the switch for me to where I, it doesn't bother me anymore.

I don't know why that is, but what's your, what's your experience? Well, I think that girls overthink everything. Every single thing. And yeah, we're girls. That's why we're so smart. If girls designed guns, they will be some of the worst guns on the market with way too much extra stuff on it. I'm just throwing it out there.

So I'm going to [00:16:00] use this with you because I do this with my, my students. Like how simple is your husband? This is being recorded. I'm pretty sure he's pretty simple. Pretty easy. Same stuff, 17 million different colors. Like why? Cause it works. Exactly. Exactly. That's what he says. He's like, cause it works. I was like, well, I have that too, but I had to go through 17 million other things to find the one thing that works.

And now that I got it, we're good. But it took me. And this is why if women had, Oh my God. When we had like the first war of women to design guns, we would have lost like, because it would take it so long to get a gun into production. So like dudes are simple. So pretty much like if you look at a You know why the slide is called the slide?

Cause it slides. Exactly. We don't need any fancy word for that. Yeah, exactly. RIP's called a grip. Yep. Why is the trigger guard called the trigger guard? Because it guards the trigger. [00:17:00] So front sight, right? Yes. So men design guns, which are simple. So when I get some girl and it's like, I'll keep flinching.

I'm like, you know, this gun is supposed to go off every time you press the trigger, right? Oh yeah. Because it's simple. Cause if it didn't, that would be a problem. When it doesn't go off when it's supposed to go off. Now I got to troubleshoot this thing. And now I actually use a little bit more brain power here.

So this super simple machine just need to be ran simply. Like you don't have to overthink the basic thing. I was like how many arguments you started with your dude when you overthought something exactly so stop I don't like oh that actually makes sense. I was like and check this out though This how simple it get you see that front sight Now if you keep that front sight in the middle of that rear sight and you press that trigger without that sight moving That shot is going to go where you want it to go And they're like, light bulb's going off.

It's like, it's the most simplest of things. Why are [00:18:00] people flicking it? It's like, why are you flinching? I'm like, why are you flinching? You know it's supposed to go off. How about this? So, we'll dry fire. And I'm like, okay, on this next round, we're actually going to load one round. So people get actually accustomed to loading magazines.

We're going to load one round and we already know subconsciously it's going to go off because it's supposed to. All right. Now we're making a conscious decision. So we're going to kind of sort of treat it like dry fire. We're going to keep the safety rules intact, or we're just going to point at the middle of this piece of paper.

I want you to press that trigger without that front sight moving. And guess what they hit? Middle of the damn paper. I'm like, Holy crap. Let's do this again. Let's do this again. And like, this is how we get that repetitive practice in. And then like, when the lightbulbs go off, that's actually my favorite moment because they're just like, yeah, I was being a girl.

Yeah. Yeah. Let's, let's not do that. And then it's literally just. Just breaking down, you know, the, [00:19:00] the concept and also breaking out the fundamentals, the concept and just like not overthinking. Like I need, I'm like, I even tell him, I'm like, you can be a girl by certain things. Just do not be a girl about this.

Right. Yeah. You're spending, you're burning way too many more calories on something that doesn't require it at all. So don't make it hard on yourself. I love it. Don't. And this is why you always have, you should be dry firing in your stories. Just kind of as a reminder, and I know a lot of the, a lot of followers love that.

And it's mainly, it started because of like, This is going to be for the conspiracy theorist side episode later. Because we live in a two tier justice system. And I just want to let y'all know, we, we may have to basically turn into the new forefather. You know, founding father. So we need to, you know, basically just, just dry fire.

Stay prepared. That's all. That's all I'm saying. Stay prepared. And I love when people are like, you know, they [00:20:00]respond. They're like, damn, you bust me. Okay. I'm going to go dry fire. Cool. Thank you, man. Like, I appreciate it. I love it. I love it. Yeah, just on a little side note. Every time I see one that's like over a certain area, I'm like, how'd you know we were going to look there?

You knew we were going to look there. So I'm just reminding you, you should be dry firing. It cracks me up every time. My entire adult life, I've literally been studying the behavior of people, mainly criminals, but people, right? I already know like what's everybody's going to immediately look at. That's why I was like, let me just put that there.

We'll just do this. Yeah. You know you're looking. That's great. Oh my God. Well, I want to like kind of switch gears just a little bit because I know you went to Thailand recently. Tell me about that. I've never been to Thailand. How awesome. And you went with the USA team. Woo! Thailand was wild. So this would have been my, that was my second time [00:21:00] overseas.

First time was France in 2018. Yeah. There's so many different teams on the USA team. So we have team USA, and then we have our division teams. So my division, ladies modified. If I remember, you need to change. What does that even mean? I was like, does that mean we're old? Cause I'm only 42. You can't be that much older than me.

What is that? So, okay. So overseas, they have names for different divisions and the divisions are based off of the equipment of the gun that you're shooting. So ladies modify or just modified period. Pretty much meant that we can run optics, compensators, but it had to be a two magazine on our guns and it had to be no longer than 51, 51 and a half inches overall, and it had to fit in the box.

So that was what modified is. And I, I'm not a fan of the name because it make it sound like a whole bunch of trannies, but I'm just like, going that far. I just thought maybe they were like, Oh, great. That game started overseas, started [00:22:00] in like Europe, Thailand. And so that's what IPSC. Uh, that was the name they came up with and I'm just like, okay, all right.

I'll play y'all game So but the Thailand trip was same thing was for the shotgun world shoot And I was actually super happy to be, you know selected to represent the united states again And my division team we fell a little bit short. We finished fourth We missed third by like, 3. 9%. Oh, man. It was a slaughter.

I think I could mentally handle it a little bit better, but I was just like, Like, what could we have done differently? Like, hold up, time out. We need to, we need to figure this out. So, but, the trip itself, I work graveyards, so like, Acclimating to the other side of the world, which is 14 hours ahead. Like my sleep schedule was great.

Like I didn't have any issues. My teammates are up in like, Oh, dark 30 every day because day people hours, like five. So we decided to go out a whole week early before the competition. [00:23:00] Fine. So we decided to go out a whole week early before the competition. And, um, so they can get acclimated. So we're like, Hey, let's do all the touristy stuff now.

And then for competition. And we had a couple of days afterwards, do more touristy stuff. So the competition aspect of it was really good. And a lot of people think, you know, you know, Americans are kind of bullies. We kind of are like real talk. We kind of are rightfully so like they can only own certain guns.

And that's why there's all the different divisions. It's, it's to actually try to get, you know, more and more countries to participate in the world shoot, which is still the Olympics of practical shooting. So you know, there's like countries where they got to sell their first born, just to get a guy type of thing.

And it's like that old, I don't know if it was Bruce Lee or whoever made this quote that was like, do not fear the man that knows 10, 000 kicks, fear the man that has done one kick 10, 000 times. So like the competition over there was actually pretty damn good. Really good, [00:24:00] but there are some perks. I mean, we had our strengths and weaknesses, but one of our strengths of the shotgun teams that says we're mainly mostly comprised of three gunners.

I would say we're like, I would say 95 percent three gunners out of the 40 of us that went over there. We excelled on any stages that was like. That was super tight maneuvering because we have to do that with all long guns, both shotgun and rifle here in the States. Anything where we have to go prone with a long gun or with shotgun, we did great.

Cause we always got to go prone with rifle, you know, sometimes or, you know, shotgun here and there. And we, we excel at those, but some of the spots that we didn't excel at were like a lot of different props, a lot of high round stages with slugs, like a lot of the matches here in the United States. You know, we'll have like, we'll have a match where it's probably going to be about maybe, maybe three to four slug targets.

There was one stage we had like 16, actually more than that. [00:25:00] I would say about 16 to 24 slugs. And that's, that's a lot. So that was a lot. Like we've learned a lot about our barrels, different mechanics and things like that that happen to our guns when they start to heat up. But all in all, we definitely, as a team, as a whole United States team, definitely held our own.

But other Thailand and stuff, all the touristy stuff, super fun, super cheap. Like, so I was posted on those pictures and video, like my best friend, who's also on the team, Cindy Coker, we're on the beach, she got an hour long back massage. I got a pedicure. We both had two beers and it costs us like 21. Okay, cool.

You know, like fresh coconuts were like, we do this every day. That beach, like almost every day we were like, we had fresh coconuts almost every day, like fresh coconut over there was like 25 baht, which is like 30 cents, almost about [00:26:00] 50 cents. Cause they're like coconut trees everywhere. So it's not like here.

Yeah. Everything is important. We're like grocery store. Coconut is like 4. It was like nowhere near as fresh as, you know, straight off the beach. And you had some dude with a machete hack it open. Like, there you go. But definitely, it was definitely pretty cool. Love to do that again. Uh, I want to do it again without guns because that was a whole house on itself.

But other than that, it was good. Going through security and stuff at the airport or? No, just all the permits because, so we had to get permits. We had to pay a retarded amount of shipping and taxes on our ammo. Oh wow. Like, over there. But not for a while. If you declared ammo coming back, I'm just, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, but you know, it's a whole heavy, heavily regulated stuff.

But other than that, everything else was actually pretty cool. I'm actually wearing, it's funny you brought that up, I'm actually wearing these pants that I picked up for, they were like a hundred baht, so they were like three [00:27:00] dollars. And they were like some of the best like little Give us a model session.

There you go. Oh, yeah. There you go Pants, I was like, yeah, yeah, put these on. Yeah Yes, I was like, this is cool. So I mean that sounds like absolutely amazing experience. I really love it I remember you saying something about humidity and how it was acting but you had a bag that was hooking you up Yes. So bone dry, bone dry, this company, this, they're like, Hey, you know, a lot of people deal with moisture on their guns.

There has to be a way for us to actually take moisture away from your guns. So they created a, uh, rifle bag. They also have some pistol bags, electronic bags. They've got a tool bag and it made, and it's all has built in desiccant. So like I was freaking excited to partner with them on that. Cause I'll just like, cool.

I am not trying to deal with rust on my gun, especially overseas. Like, and I don't even know what resources are gonna be available to me to like possibly get off my gun. [00:28:00] So the best way to do a arrest is prevention. So that's why I called him out. I was like, yo, check out. Me and the team need a bag. We need bags.

We need bags. , focus up the humidity over there is equivalent to like Texas and August. Oh gosh. Like post, like it's pretty bad. So I haven't experienced this. It's horrible. Yeah. Horrible. You need a shower and as soon as you walk outside, you're like, ah. Yeah. You never dry. Yeah. Yeah. But the cool thing about shooting in Texas is that, like, there was the Italian team.

There was an Italian women's team. They're like, I don't know. It's hot. And like, and they're broke in English. And I'm just like, yeah. I kind of lived there. Just a little bit. It'll be fine. Wear a tank top. Drink water. It'll be okay. I got some liquid nitrate. You know, you want to try that, you know? You can smash the nitrate in, because other than that, you're going to suck.

And like, And I've always wanted to like, if we're, if we're competing against each other, I want you to be at your best. So I'm at my [00:29:00] best. So if you're going to lose, it actually feels good. You know, it's not like I won because somebody passed out dehydration. I'm like, no, here, take, drink this. Because I want a real freaking fight like back to life.

Let's do this. Yeah, stay hydrated. Like come on ladies Crack me up, but it was bone dry was definitely pretty solid on that I actually do have one of their tool bags too that i'll be doing a little bit more bronco and overland, you know content soon So right now we're practicing the shop getting My engine kind of rebuilt a little bit.

So, all right. Very cool. Do you have like a classic one or is it one of these new fangled ones with the powder paint? So I have a 95 OJ Simpson white Bronco. My license plate on it says maybe OJ. So everybody, Oh my God. So when I come to Phoenix, I'll, I'll be able to find you by your license plate. I will say a good dozen, that body style, which is what we call fifth gen.

15 Broncos, but it's mainly between [00:30:00] 1980 to 96, that style. There's about a dozen of them that are white and they all have OJ theme license plates, which I think is pretty cool. I was like, we need to have a club. We need to be a gang or something. I'm saying we practically are already. Y'all just need to get together and just line up.

We'll take a photo and it'll be done. Classic Bronco owners. Mike Bronco, let me know, Leslika, what's up? Crack me up. All right. I got a couple of rapid fire questions for you if you're ready, my dear. All right. So how do you stay balanced training and competing and working a graveyard shift with police?

Caffeine. Yeah. If it wasn't for coffee, pre workout, and Uncrustables, like, I don't even think. She said Uncrustables. We're gonna have to have a whole episode on nutrition now. I feel it. It's coming. She said Uncrustables. Oh my goodness. All right. That it's okay. We'll, we'll work on that. Work [00:31:00] on it. I'm literally posting a picture over here while we're over in Thailand.

Cause I'm so impressed. Actually they're, they're quite unhealthy, but they didn't have anything in Thailand. So we're over there with old school peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Like, but all right, it'll do. It'll work. It'll work. No, y'all need to sell these in Greek and Thai. I'm just throwing it out there.

Crack me up. All right. So have you had any setbacks? or disappointments in competition and how do you handle those? Oh, I have a couple. I mean, they're inevitable. They're going to happen. So one thing that I actually tell newer shooters, newer competitors to, especially at a lot of the women's matches that I teach at, is that it's really easy for us to get hung up on the bad stuff.

So everybody gets like a match booklet. I don't even have one on my table here. A match booklet would have like all the stages in it, sponsors, which if it wasn't for sponsors, we wouldn't have this great of a sport anyways, [00:32:00] but I'm like, Hey, write down three things that you did great and three things you need to work on.

So I'll fall back to that. Like, okay, I. You know, my shotgun loads are great. My rifle shots were on point. Pistol was good. All right. I need to work more on on movement. Actually, like a lot of footwork, stuff like that. You know, I may need to work on, it could have been an equipment failure. Okay. I need to address that as soon as I get home, you know, like.

So I write all that stuff down and just know that like, okay, the next one's not or the next one I'll be approved. So being a lot, being honest with yourself is going to allow for, allow you to have that growth. And that's one thing that I've seen some shooters get like super racked up in their heads about.

I'm like, bro, it was okay. It was all right. There's always next time. It's okay. What's going to happen tomorrow? Another day. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Another opportunity to prove. So. All good. All good. All right. What is your ultimate [00:33:00]goal in competitive shooting? Is there like a top of the top thing? Like it's, it's totally different.

Like with me, you know, like I like the sport and I like growing the sport too. I like teaching and getting more and more people in. And I actually had a couple of ladies. This was actually at fall fest, actually ran by everyone. God, they're like, Ursula, why you do this? I'm like, real talk. I am selfish. I am super selfish.

And they're like, well, why? I'm like, I want more girls to compete against. So therefore why not teach more girls to be competitive? So we can compete against each other. I'm like, I'm completely selfish. I feel like that's totally not selfish at all. I just think that's awesome. Like a lot of three gun matches I shot, there'll be like a woman's division.

There'll be like eight of us, seven, eight of us. Oh wow. Now, eight years later, good Lord, it's been that long. Um, eight years later, now we have like full woman matches. With like a hundred, 120, you know, competitors. So I'm like, dude, this is [00:34:00] great. This is so awesome. We need more like, so that's why I, you know, teach as much as I do, because like, I want more females to compete, um, on the, uh, actual, you know, range side of things, my goal has been the Olympics.

So one thing that happened with Thailand, which is pretty cool. If sick announced that they're going to have the shot in a world shoot as like, Uh, kind of like an expedition type sport for the 2028 Olympics in L. A. So, um, my gosh, so the next shotgun world shoot is going to be in Greece. And I don't know why I got this gut feeling.

You're going to Greece, baby. Yes. So I got this gut feeling that whoever wins Greece are going to be automatic, automatically slotted for the shotgun match at, at the Olympics. So I'm like, dude, it's versus like trapping ski, which I kind of find boring is actually very competitive. It [00:35:00] just mentally, I need to run around with a gun.

I can't just stand still in a vest. I've never owned a best in my life, but I got to sit here and shoot clay. I'm like, I really want to shoot all the things. That'd be really awesome. I never wanted to go to the Olympics, but I might have to, if that happens, girl, I might have to, I might have to come and kick it and be like, that's my girl over there.

Yeah, that's awesome. But I know that, um, I, I, Actually started looking at timelines. Cause like, of course, first everything starts as a thought, then it turns into a plan and then it's execution. So I know that I retired from law enforcement at the end of next year. So I got like a full like year to train for dreams and also.

You know, if I win groups, that's great. And then, you know, basically the Olympics after that. So you're going full time. Yes. That's awesome. I'm so excited for you.[00:36:00]

Oh my gosh. That's going to be amazing. Well, I mean, you kind of answered a couple of my other ones here already. So I was going to say, how do you manage nerves before a big competition? That's another one. Yeah. You know, it's funny. I've been competing for like eight years and I still have like what we call first stage jitters.

So like, so we have this thing called send it with Jesus and it's just like, yo, wherever happens happens. You know, I can prepare so much, but if there's something that's not there, I'm gonna figure it out and move on. So I, and it's more so like. Not letting what happened on one stage affect the next stage and the next stage and the next stage.

So, once I'm done with a stage, let's just say I have a bad stage, I literally give myself five minutes and, um, it's something I actually started on the law enforcement side. If something stupid happens, you know, everybody has a work husband, work wife, whatever. I'll be like, hey, look, I need you to time me.

They're like, well, I'm five minutes. They're like, oh, Ben. All right, cool. So, thank you. [00:37:00] Wow for five minutes and like, and then you know it's not gonna matter in five years. So that's why we have the five minute rule. I love that. Go and like, it's so funny like until you see like the faster we're going, we're trying to take that whole five minutes so it does not bother us later.

And I do the same thing 'cause I'm matches so love. That's awesome. I'm like, oh. Got my five minutes out, we'll walk it off, I need to prepare for the next stage. Yes, I love that. So, my next one is, what's your message to young girls who are either dreaming of becoming competitive shooters or going into law enforcement, which, I don't know if you are familiar with this idea, but I was told, you know, that's not really a It's not a job for girls, not a job for women, blah, blah, blah.

Like, but maybe people are dreaming about that. So what would you say? My, this is rapid fire. First thing that comes to mind is literally don't be a bitch. So you might as well do it. You're like, you're never going to be ready. That's why I asked for the one personal aspect. Like [00:38:00] I, my entire life has been about doing things that other people can't do or won't do.

So while I'm going to start now. To be like, Oh, somebody, you know, said I can't do something. I'm like, first of all, I'm American. I can do whatever I want. Thank you. So pretty much, I'm pretty sure I'm going to law enforcement. Um, law enforcement is tricky because you do have to find an agency that matches your personality, you know, your values, things like that.

So I'm happy to be with an agency that is. You know, pro to a, not doing, they didn't do anything stupid during COVID, you know, which is a hot mess. And they are super supportive of their people, you know? So like, and that was actually my second agency, which I will be retiring from. They've been doing, they've been treating me really well since I've been there.

So I'm like, all right, cool. But like, yeah, literally find that agency and just do it because like law enforcement, it's going to be in those careers. It's always going to be there. Always going [00:39:00] to be needed. Always necessary. Boarding out like a 401k or A and kind of sketch. I'm just saying there's someone out there on the, you can find an agency with a pension definitely do it.

That's just more of a financial thing. But there's been times where like, you know, it would, you know, a situation happens much better that a female is there, you know, like, Hey, look, I know you're overthinking this, but check this out. Yeah. Yeah. So we're just going to have a conversation. We're just going to move this party somewhere else, you know, but yes, you are valued.

You are needed. If you want to get in law enforcement, do it. Yeah. Just find, find the right agency, do ride alongs and ride alongs are free. And I tell people ride alongs is the best way to speed data agency. So like, I've been on multiple ride alongs with different agencies, whereas Like, I'm like, you, you're cool, but I've seen some questionable [00:40:00] stuff.

So y'all not getting my application, you know, I don't know if I can, I know, I don't know if I can vibe with that. I don't know. That doesn't represent me. So let me, let me look elsewhere because there are tens of thousands of agencies nationwide, you can find one that fits you. Awesome. Well, that's pretty, that's pretty amazing.

I think you're, you're swell, Miss Ursula.

I was like, this has led to me. Can I ask you what your middle name is? I'm curious. Just, I don't know. Marissa. Okay. Well, okay. We aren't matched completely. But my dad's name is William. So, I mean,

I was like, we were meant to meet each other. This is a whole thing. I was like, Oh man, she's cool too. No, seriously, it's really a pleasure actually [00:41:00] meeting you. We are going to meet in person someday very soon. I don't know what exactly. Definitely. All right. So last bit here. Um, I'm really big on bringing younger women like my daughter's 13 into the sport.

And just how do you say introducing them and having them experience and get exposed to what advice would you have for a younger human? I'm trying to find, I'm trying to find other words. Or other term then don't be, you can't just say, don't be a bitch to a 13-year-old Ursula. And if you don't like it, that's okay.

Like, I don't like kale. I've been plant-based for years. I hate kale and I still try it from time to time. It tastes like vegan syrup. Oh, like the guy that discovered kale. I'm like, why were you out there eating weird leaves? And there's no, it used to be the stuff on the buffet. It wasn't always some cool thing.

They just shoved it around stuff. I'm just looking out there. I know I got my vegan buddies gonna be like, what's I love kale. You like kale. [00:42:00] I don't like kale. And I still try it from time to time just to make sure I don't like it. I'd rather drink asparagus raw. I'm sorry. No. I hope you're doing that. Well, girls, but one of the things I like doing with kids to actually get them in competition is that 22s are perfect.

And then there's a competition called a steel challenge. And what steel challenge is, you literally stand still in a box, and you shoot the same five targets five times, and you do it with 22s. It was literally designed for kids. We have a running joke. We also designed for old people with blown out knees.

But still challenge was literally designed for kids where you stand in a box and you shoot by targets and you can do it with 22s. It's super cheap. Super fun. The whole family can compete. The whole family is lined up together. And there's actually, you know, warrants for entire families that are shooting.

So like, if you have, you know, two parents and a [00:43:00] kid, you know, you're all up. Y'all are literally competing against other families. So I'm like, that is actually pretty freaking cool. For other competitive shooters, you know, like myself, we'll dabble in different disciplines, because that's what's so challenging, is discipline.

Three guns, discipline. USPSA, which pistol for the most part, that's a discipline, sporting clays, discipline. So we'll dabble in different disciplines to get better at our main one. So the cool thing with suit challenge, it teaches you transitions as in like target transitions because there is a way that you have to shoot, you know, these targets and then you have your red stop plate or whatever the last plate that you have to engage, but it gives you opportunity to kind of think like, okay, what's going to be the more efficient way for me to do this.

So we'll play around and still challenge. Like it's fun. We'll do, you know, IDPA cause it's fun. And we talked a lot of smack about IDPA, but it's gotten to that point. It's like, we're going to be talking smack. We need to actually do it. [00:44:00] And then you can tell more. Let's do it. Like, I'm not a huge fan of USPSA, but it's the way that I get the most amount of pistol practice in.

So like, I don't really care about my classification. USPSA, I just like the fact that it allows me to get so much pistol practice for a three gun here in Arizona. Like I said, we have matches literally every day and stuff for Mondays. And I can go do all rifle match. I could do, you know, sporting clays, traffic, skeet, stuff like that.

There's also, you know, tactical shotgun matches that I can do. Anything for me to get better at three gun. I'm down for it. I'm willing to try it. But for kids get them in starting with still challenge that is going to be the easiest the cheapest and the most fun And it's something that you can actually like they can practice.

Awesome Wow, Ursula, thank you so much for joining me today. I really appreciate it sharing your journey and I know we're going to have to chat again because we are on the same page on so many different topics. Is [00:45:00] there any last words you would like to leave us with? No, just get out there. Literally getting out there is half the battle.

Get out there. Don't be a bitch. . Absolutely. And , we, you go back the bleep words out like, I'm like, everybody sucks when they first get there. 'cause you know how. Exactly. So how else you gonna figure it out unless you get there. That fear of failure is a killer man. I'm telling you. Huh? I kill, fail for. Yeah.

So like that Fear kills so many dreams. And so many possibilities because everybody's afraid to fail. I'm like, you're going to fail, you're going to suck. Once you know you're going to suck, then it's going to make everything else easier because you can go out there and be like, Hey, I suck. Okay, cool. And now I can do something about it.

I love it. So I'm just saying, just get out there. Is it weird if we both say buy or sell at the same time? I can't wait for the mission to do it just because, right? All right. [00:46:00] Buy or sell!

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